Study on adult mosquito population dynamics by human landing catch in downtown Shanghai,China
Objective To investigate the population dynamics, temporal distribution, and stinging indices of mosquito population in the downtown Shanghai, China. Methods Five mosquito.lmonitoring sites were set up in Shanghai Peoples Square and Peoples Park areas, where mosquitoes were frequently encountered. A 194-day continuous dynamic monitoring of adult mosquitoes was conducted by human landing catch. Results During the 194-day surveillance from late April to late October,2012, a total of 1666 adult mosquitoes of 5 species and 3 genera were collected. The proportions of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens pallens were 71.1% and 27.7%, respectively. The high daily fluctuation of adult mosquitoes was observed. Most of the mosquitoes were captured during July to September, with a peak of 52 mosquitoes per day. Cx. pipiens pallens peaked in early June, and its population density was significantly higher than that of Ae. albopictus in May and June(P0.05). Ae. albopictus peaked in late July, and its population density was significantly higher than that of Cx. pipiens pallens during July to September(P0.05), so it was the predominant species during that period. Conclusion This is the first report on mosquito infestations in downtown area as the results of 194-day continuous surveillance based on human landing catch. The results suggested that routine mosquito monitoring methods have limitations and inaccuracy. Targeted and efficient measures with special focus on the two predominant mosquito species, Ae. albopictus and Cx. pipiens pallens, should be introduced into the prevention and control of mosquitoes in downtown Shanghai. Furthermore, the study suggested that the increasing suitable sites for overwintering mosquitoes are more likely to cause an earlier arrival of Cx. pipiens pallens peak in the studied areas.