x) =- .* -co,(x,c) = 0, (v = 1, . . ., n) (1)be a system of n autonomous differential equations of first order . The co, are assumed tobe polynomials in x. In addition they may contain one or more parameters Ck which aredenoted collectively as c = (cl , c2. . . . ). One of the most prominent features governing thesolution set of the autonomous system (1) is the chaotic behaviour which may occur insome regions of the parameter space as opposed to a highly regular behaviour which maybe characteristic for some other region. It is one of the basic problems connected withsystems of this kind to characterise these regions (Lichtenberg & Lieberman, 1983). Thereis no general answer to this question. The situation is completely different, however, iffirst integrals can be found. By definition a function f is a first integral for (1) if its totalderivative with respect to time vanishes, i.e. if it satisfiesdf =0 (2)dtunder the constraints (1). If fdoes not depend on t explicitly this condition may bewritten ascov8f(x)= 0 (3)
Marek Kus,et al.
Integrals of motion for the Lorenz system
F. Schwarz,et al.
Symmetries and first integrals for dissipative systems
W B Steeb,et al.
Continuous symmetries of the Lorenz model and the Rikitake two-disc dynamo system
Joel Moses,et al.
Solutions of systems of polynomial equations by elimination
David Y. Y. Yun,et al.
On algorithms for solving systems of polynomial equations
David Y. Y. Yun,et al.
On solving systems of algebraic equations via ideal bases and elimination theory