Plane-Wave Image Reconstruction via Generative Adversarial Network and Attention Mechanism

Plane-wave imaging (PWI) has been designed and widely applied in ultrasound imaging in recent years. This technique achieves high frame rate while compromising with the image quality, such as spatial resolution and contrast. Although the compounding method is capable to improve reconstruction effect, this method limits the temporal resolution. The existing generative adversarial network (GAN)-based methods are not capable to fully extract shallow, high-frequency, and high-level information. To reconstruct high-resolution plane-wave images, we propose a reconstruction method via attention mechanism and Unet-based GAN (AUGAN). The generator of AUGAN adopts the Unet-based architecture that containing skip concatenate pathways, which can capture low-level features of different scales. Besides, in order to excavate image information comprehensively, we adopt the pixel attention to strengthen the extraction of shallow features and local aware attention to put more attention to limited high-frequency features. Moreover, perceptual loss is introduced to make the model keep more high-level information of target images. The proposed method are evaluated on datasets acquired from simulation, experimental phantom, and in vivo targets provided by the PWI Challenge in Medical Ultrasound (PICMUS). AUGAN can achieve maximal improvements of full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) by 8.27% (simulation) and 33.21% (experiment) compared with coherent plane-wave compounding (CPWC) while 2.46% (simulation) and 5.05% (experiment) compared with Unet-based GAN (UnetGAN). The maximum contrast ratio (CR) improvements are 11.32% upon CPWC and 2.3% upon UnetGAN. For in vivo data, AUGAN shows its advantage in preserving anatomical structures compared with other state-of-the-art methods in plane-wave image reconstruction. The attention ablation experiment illustrates that both pixel attention and local aware attention have further improved the plane-wave image reconstruction.

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