A Job Allocation Manager for Dynamic Remote Execution of Distributed Jobs in P2P Network

Advances in computer and network technology provide new computing environment that were only possible with supercomputers before. In order to provide the environment, a distributed runtime system has to be provided, but most of the conventional distributed runtime systems lack in providing dynamic and flexible system reconfiguration depending on workload variance, due to a static architecture of fixed master node and slave working nodes. This paper proposes and implements a new model for distributed job allocation and management which is a distributed runtime system is P2P environment for flexible and dynamic system reconfiguration. The implemented systems enables job program transfer and management, remote compile and execution among cooperative developers based on P2P standard protocol Jxta platform. Since it makes dynamic and flexible system reconfiguration possible, the proposed method has some advantages in that it can collect and utilize idle computing resources immediately at a needed time for distributed job processing. Moreover, the implemented system's effectiveness and performance increase are shown by applying and processing the crawler jobs, in a distributed way, for collecting a large amount of data needed for internet search.