Extracting key performance indicators (KPIs) new product development using mind map and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) methods

In an era focusing on performance management, finding the right key performance indicators (KPIs) can aid the implementation of company goals. By monitoring and managing these indicators, the effects of prevention, continual improvements, and innovations are achieved to shape the core competitiveness. This study used the Delphi method to interview 18 field experts. Through their rich experiences and ideas, the study investigated the KPIs of new product development (NPD). Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study provides managers with effective management suggestions, including communication and contacts, information sharing, analysis and judgment, decision-making, goal planning, improved control, and pay-for-performance. After empirical analysis, the NPD process was found to have a total of 9 constructs with 43 important in relation to KPIs. To analyze the cause and effect relationships and importance of these constructs, decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) was utilized. The order of importance was as follows: Project schedule management, operational risk management, total quality management and life cycle cost management, demonstrating that the schedules, risks, quality and costs are valued team aspects during product research and development. Therefore, the results can provide the manager to build a more complete KPIs system and reduce product development risks.   Key words: Key performance indicators, new product development, Delphi method, knowledge maps, decision-making trial evaluation laboratory

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