Effect of network risk management process on service delivery in Rwanda’s internet service providers: a case study of broadband systems corporation
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Rwanda are engaged in the business of providing advanced Internet services based on broadband connectivity across Rwanda. Network risk management process is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks arising from network operational factors and making decisions. The main objective of the study was to analyze the effect of network risk management process on service delivery using Broadband Systems Corporation Company as a case. For data collection, a questionnaire was administered to the 148 selected respondents, 13 of whom were BSC Staff and 135 of them BSC Customers. Sampling methodology was based on stratified random sampling of each stratum by using a table of random numbers. Collected data was analyzed using tables and multiple regression analysis. Findings indicated that 92.31% of the staff assessed effectively network risk monitoring, in addition 84.62% of the staff indicated that they put in place the mechanism for network risk mitigation. However, majority of BSC customers (83.71%) were satisfied with services provided by BSC. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate the relationship between network risk management process and service delivery at BSC, thereby depicting a very strong, positive correlation between network risk management process and service delivery. Subsequently, recommendations for Rwanda ISPs with findings were suggested to enhance network risk mitigation.