Some experimental evidence on the educational value of interactive Java applets in Web-based tutorials
The value of imertzctimz in a learning environment has been largely assumed h this paper we present the results of a conzpiztion between learning via static Web materiaL and learning with interactive material Two groups of first-yewcomputing students were studied: one gro~p %’iewedan on-line graph theory tuton”al, the ozher group worked with a more dyamie version of the same $uIorid Each student completed a pre-test to dezetize their knowledge of the topic prior to canme:zcing the Lesso% and a post-test to detect any increase in their zmderstamiing of the material covered by Ii%etutorial l%e study fozmd no significant dijj$erence in the level of unders~anding of Dijkstra ’s Algon”thm between the swdents using Ihe interactive Web materia~ and those duzt viewed the more traditional tutorial content. There is a general view in the schokzrly communi~ Zhat prol’iding an interactive learning environment improves the depth of comprehension; this study provides little suppo~ for this view. One important finding from this researck however, is that using an k.teracfi-ve Web program increases the learner’s enjoyment level – which in turn may increase their understanding in a longer timq?ame.
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