Deep metric learning for open-set human action recognition in videos

Human action recognition (HAR) is a topic widely studied in computer vision and pattern recognition. Despite the success of recent models for this issue, most of them approach HAR from the closed-set perspective. The closed-set recognition works under the assumption that all classes are known a priori and they appear during the training and test phase. Unlike most previous works, we approach HAR from the open-set perspective, that is, previously unknown classes are considered in the model. Additionally, feature extraction for HAR in the context of open set is still underexplored in the recent literature, since one needs to represent known classes with a low intra-class variance to reject unknown examples. To achieve this task, we propose a deep metric learning model named triplet inflated 3D convolutional neural network (TI3D), which builds upon the well-known I3D model. TI3D is a representation learning model that takes as input video sequences and outputs 256-dimensional representations. We perform extensive experiments and statistical comparisons on the UCF-101 dataset using a 30-fold cross-validation procedure in 25 different scenarios with varying degrees of openness and a varying number of training and test classes. Results reveal that the proposed TI3D achieves better performance than non-metric learning models in terms of $$F_1$$ F 1 score and Youdens index, indicating a promising approach for open-set video action recognition.

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