The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography

Previous Contributors Preface to Volume 1 Preface to Volume 6 Bernard W. Agranoff Emilio Bizzi Marian Cleeves Diamond Charles G. Gross Richard Held Leslie L. Iversen Masakazu Konishi Lawrence Kruger Susan E. Leeman Vernon B. Mountcastle Shigetada Nakanishi Solomon H. Snyder Nobuo Suga Hans Thoenen Index of Names

[1]  A. Rougeul,et al.  A 10 Hz "alpha-like" rhythm in the visual cortex of the waking cat. , 1992, Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology.

[2]  W. Cowan,et al.  The development of the nucleus of origin of centrifugal fibers to the retina in the chick , 1968, The Journal of comparative neurology.

[3]  J. Dowling,et al.  Dopaminergic Mechanisms in the Teleost Retina , 1981, Journal of neurochemistry.

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[31]  C. Blakemore,et al.  Postnatal development of the ipsilateral retinocollicular projection and the effects of unilateral enucleation in the golden hamster , 1985, The Journal of comparative neurology.


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[53]  J. Bureš SOME METABOLIC ASPECTS OF LEÃO'S SPREADING DEPRESSION , 1956, Journal of neurochemistry.

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[74]  P. Wall,et al.  Three cerebral cortical systems affecting autonomic function. , 1951, Journal of neurophysiology.

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