Kajian Pengaruh Bahan Pelapis dan Teknik Pengemasan terhadap Perubahan Mutu Telur Ayam Buras selama Transportasi dan Penyimpanan
ENNI USRA HARAHAP. The Influence Study of Waxing and Packaging Technic the Quality Exchange of Native Chicken Egg during Transportation and Storage. Under the direction of LILIK PUJANTORO EKO NUGROHO and PENI S HARDJOSWORO. The egg is a persihable product, because its has characteristic of easy broken and the quality exchange quickly. The waxing and packaging combined can slower down the process evaporate water and gas CO2 so that degradation of quality. The objective of research is to study the influence of waxing and packaging technic to the quality exchange of native chicken egg during transportation and storage. The objective special of research is to choose waxing and technic packaging, its good for slower down degradation of quality. The experimental design used was Factorial Complately Randomized Design whit factor consisting of waxing treatment (control, chitosan 1.5%, ectract of guavana leaf 1.5%, bees wax 6% and smoke distilate) and packaging (wooden case and cardboard box) then had been tried during transport and during storage its out from in packaging. The result showed that waxing, packaging, and storage had significant effects on weight loss, total microbe, white egg index, yolk egg index, and air shell of native chicken egg during transportation and storage. The shelf life of native chicken egg had been extending by this treatment up to one week of grade B then two week of grade B. © Hak cipta milik Institut Pertanian Bogor, tahun 2007 Hak cipta dilindungi Dilarang mengutip dan memperbanyak tanpa izin tertulis dari Institut Pertanian Bogor. Sebagian atau seluruhnya dalam bentuk apapun, baik cetak, fotokopi, mikrofilm, dan sebagainya KAJIAN PENGARUH BAHAN PELAPIS DAN TEKNIK PENGEMASAN TERHADAP PERUBAHAN MUTU TELUR AYAM BURAS SELAMA TRANSPORTASI DAN PENYIMPANAN