Routledge N. A.. Logic on electronic computers: A practical method for reducing expressions to conjunctive normal form. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 52 (1956), pp. 161–173.
where the a((j) specify a permutation (w-cycle) of 1, 2, . . . . n. Theorem 5 is the dual of Theorem 4; and Theorem 6 shows that for the function of Theorem 5, no simpler forms are obtained by considering disjunctions of conjunctions of disjuncts. On page 268 equation (2*), {q/h)/2 should be (q + h)/2. On page 272 line 12, column 1, Xi should be xt. On page 272 line 23, column 2, xt, should be #4 . On page 273, line 41, column 1, k± should be kt. On page 275, line 30, column 2, hace should be have. E. J. MCCLUSKEY, Jr.