GT-Power를 이용한 Dual Variable Cam Phaser(DVCP) 엔진의 Late Intake Valve Closing(LIVC)에 대한 연구
The improvement of performance and fuel economy are key goals of engine development nowadays, variable cam phaser system has been widely adapted in order to satisfy them. The variable cam phaser system can improve fuel economy by reducing pumping loss and heat transfer loss. Using GT-power cam duration and parking MOP of DVCP has been optimized from fuel economy and WOT performance viewpoint and engine dynamometer test has been performed to prove the result of GT-power for next generation of mini engine. Key parameters such as residual gas, combustion stability and pumping loss are proposed to be considered for LIVC application.
[1] 박진일,et al. 가솔린 엔진 장착 차량에서 과도구간 제어특성을 고려한 연비주행모드 시뮬레이션 , 2008 .