Seed priming effect on germination of Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica Mart) and development of small seedling

Doum palm Hyphaene thebaica Mart is a very important natural flora in the Egyptian territory. It is integrated in food, drink and medicine of the Egyptian population. Seeds germination faces difficulties due to hardness and viability. the fruit (a date) is edible, the foliage is also used for local crafts, the stems for construction purposes, and the roots for phytomedicine, mainly for the treatment of bilharziasis. This study tried different priming methods after removal hard kernel. First treatment; non-treated as direct plantation (control). Second; Cold water (tap water for 48 hours), third; freezing storage in Deep-freezer at -18°C for 12 hours then immersed in 60°C water for 1 hour, fourth; hot water at 60°C  5 for 3 hours then left till gradually cooled, fifth; soaking seeds in a solution of gibberellic acid 200 ppm for 48 hours, sixth; Soaking seeds in 3% solution of KNO3 for 48 hours, seventh; soaking seeds in diluted sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at 30% for 15 minutes. Data collected were germination percentage %, roots length, root diameter, root fresh and dry weight, root dry weight, seedling length, wide of leaf, Fresh and dry weight of above ground parts. Freezing followed by hot water gave the highest seed germination % (90%) followed by KNO3 (80%). The lowest germination % was obtained from non-treated control and cold water in a range between 45-65%. cold water treatment gave significant increase in root fresh weight in both seasons when compared to other treatment. Freezing and cold water treatment gave significant increase in plant height in both seasons when compared to other treatments. Moreover, the effect of various priming treatment demonstrated significant effect on characteristics of young growing seedling. The best performance obtained from seeds treated with cold water and freezing treatment. Thus, treating Doum palm seeds after removal of hard kernel with freezing at -18 for 12 hours followed by immersing seed in hot water at 60°C for one hour.

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