National PDES testbed strategic plan 1990
A 200-WORD OR LESS FACTUAL SUMMARY OF MOST SIGNIFICANT INFORMATION. IF DOCUMENT INCLUDES A SIGNIFICANT BIBUOGRAPHY OR UTERATURE SURVEY, MENTION IT HERE.) This document presents a long range strategic plan for the National PDES Testbed project at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) . The Testbed was initiated in 1988 under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Defense Computer-aided Aquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) program. A major goal of the Testbed is to provide technical leadership in a national effort to implement a complete and useful specification for the exchange of Product Model Data (STEP). The STEP efforts is led by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC184/SC4. This plan also outlines a number of supporting project threads that have been established for the Testbed: initiation of the Testbed, development of conf iguiation management systems and services, development of testing systems to validate the proposed standard, specification and testing of application protocols, construction of a prototype STEP-based manufacturing cell, establishment of a product data exchange network, development of conformance testing systems, and management/technical support activities. 12.
[1] Mary Mitchell. Development plan:: validation testing system , 1990 .
[2] Sharon J. Kemmerer,et al. Status of PDES-Related Activities (Standards and Testing). National PDES Testbed Report Series , 1990 .
[3] Simon P. Frechette,et al. Development Plan: Product Data Exchange Network , 1990 .
[4] Sanford P. Ressler,et al. Development Plan: Configuration Management Systems and Services , 1990 .