Abstract A procedure to evaluate the structural integrity of a reactor vessel under CDA condition has been developed based on simulative experiments under CDA loading using 1/20- and 1/10-scale steel models of the demonstration FBR in Japan (DFBR). For the experiments, a constant pressure source has been developed using a gas accumulator. Simulation analyses were also conducted using the dynamic analysis program AUTODYN-2D, which can simulate fluid-structure interaction and non-linear material behaviour in two-dimensional geometry. The actual dynamic material properties, whose strain rates were from 0.1 to 10 s −1 , were used in the analyses. The pressure history and the dynamic response of structures were compared between experimental results and the analysis, and the appropriateness of the numerical analytical method for the CDA problem was confirmed. In both experimental and numerical approaches, the effect of internal structures has been investigated, and a drastic strain reduction was observed owing to the energy absorption by internal structures. Furthermore, material tests and element tests including weld joint tests and burst tests were carried out to define a rationalised strain limit under multi-axial dynamic loading condition. Using the developed evaluation procedure, a preliminary evaluation for DFBR was carried out and the robustness of the reactor boundary in DFBR against CDA loading was also confirmed.
日本原子力学会,et al.
ANP'92 : International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Octobler 25-29, 1992, Tokyo, Japan : proceedings
Shigenobu Kubo,et al.
Liquid entrainment by an expanding core disruptive accident bubble—a Kelvin/Helmholtz phenomenon
A. Benuzzi,et al.
Comparison of Different LMFBR Primary Containment Codes Applied to a Benchmark Problem