The Formation and Properties of Machining Burrs

The Formation and Properties of Machining Burrs by LaRoux K. Gillespie, Master of Sd,.nce Utah Stale University, 1973 Majo r P r ofessor: Dr . Carl D. Spear Department: Manufacturing Engineering xii i The format ion of burrs in Machining Operations occurs by three Basic Mechanisms: I) Lateral extrusion of material 2) B<'nding of th<> chip 3) Tearing of the chip from the workpit>ce Each of these mechanisms has be en studied analytically and compared to expE>rimental results. The ag reE>ment between predictions and measurempnts has been found to be close. Drilling , milling, grinding, and turning burrs w<>re producpd in 303Se stain]pss steel and their properties were related to tool geomelry. feedrat es . and depth of cut . One thousand measurements were made and subs.-que ntly analyzed by analysis of variance techniques. The p r operties measured include burr length and thickness.