Collecting and aggregating multimedia knowledge is of fundamental importance for every organisation in order to gain competitiveness and to reduce costs. It is possible that knowledge contained in just one medium E.G. text documents, does not carry the full evidence looked for. Therefore connecting information stored in more than one medium is often required. It is clear that current knowledge management technologies and practises cannot cope with such situations, as they mainly provide simple mechanisms (E.G. keyword searching). Currently knowledge workers manually pierce together the information from different sources. In this report we focus and envisage research methodologies that will enable the semantic enrichment of multimedia documents, both on multiple media and across media through annotation.
Alexiei Dingli,et al.
User-System Cooperation in Document Annotation Based on Information Extraction
Bijan Parsia,et al.
PhotoStuff-An Image Annotation Tool for the Semantic Web
Enrico Motta,et al.
Magpie - Towards a Semantic Web Browser
J. Iria.
T-Rex : A Flexible Relation Extraction Framework
Steffen Staab,et al.
S-CREAM: Semiautomatic CREAtion of Metadata
Michael L. Creech,et al.
FotoFile: a consumer multimedia organization and retrieval system
CHI '99.