Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow in the Nucleus of NGC 1097

We present a model for the accretion flow around the supermassive black hole in the LINER nucleus of NGC 1097 that fits the optical to X-ray spectral energy distribution (SED). The X-ray segment of the SED is based on observations with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which are reported here for the first time. The inner part of the flow is modeled as a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF), and the outer part as a standard thin disk. The value of the transition radius (r(tr) approximate to 225R(S), where R-S = 2GM/c(2)) between the RIAF and the outer thin disk was obtained from our previous fitting of the double-peaked Balmer emission line profile, which originates in the thin disk. The black hole mass was inferred from measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion in the host galaxy. When these parameters are used in the accretion flow model, the SED can be successfully reproduced, which shows that the line profile model and the accretion flow model are consistent with each other. A small remaining excess in the near-UV is accounted for by the contribution of an obscured starburst located within 9 pc from the nucleus, as we reported in an earlier paper. The radio flux is consistent with synchrotron emission of a relativistic jet modeled by means of the internal shock scenario. In an appendix we also analyze the Chandra X-ray observations of the similar to 1 kpc circumnuclear star-forming ring and of an ultraluminous compact X-ray source located outside the ring.

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