The SMT-LIB Format: An Initial Proposal

This paper is a first proposal for a common format for the Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library, or SMT-LIB for short. The main goal of the SMT-LIB initiative [2], coordinated by these authors and supported by a growing number of researchers world-wide, is to produce a on-line library of benchmarks for satisfiability modulo theories. By benchmark we mean a logical formula to be checked for satisfiability modulo (combinations of) background theories of interest. Examples of background theories typically used in computer science are real and integer arithmetic and the theories of various data structures such as lists, arrays, bit vectors and so on. A lot of work has been done in the last few years by several research groups on building systems for satisfiability modulo theories. We believe that having a library of benchmarks will greatly facilitate the evaluation and the comparison of these systems, and advance the state of the art in the field, in the same way as, for instance, the TPTP library [3] has done for theorem proving, or the SATLIB library [1] has done for propositional satisfiability.