The relationship of bicycle manoeuvrability to handlebar configuration.

Since the handling characteristics of bicycles can affect their safety, the present experiment evaluated the manoevrability of three bicycles which differed only by handlebar configurations: racing (Maes Bend), standard, and high rise. The manoeuvrability of each bicycle was measured as subjects performed six tasks: circle, lane change, figure-eight, straight lane tracking, cornering, and slalom. Subjects were matched by riding experience and grouped by their familiarity with either race or standard bicycle. Analysis of variance showed that no bicycle times bicycle-familiarity interaction effects were significant in any one of the analyses. The performance observed on the bicycles with high-rise and standard handlebar configurations indicated they were not significantly different from each other. On the circle, figure-eight, and slalom tasks, performance with both the high-rise and standard handlebars was significantly better than with the race handlebars. The high-rise showed a slight performance edge on tasks requiring the greatest amount of manoeuvrability, while the standard handlebars offered more control at slower speeds and on tasks requiring stability in tracking.