Severidade da podrido-verde em inhames e especializao fisiolgica em Penicillium sclerotigenum

ABSTRACTSeverity of green rot in yellow and water yams and the physiological specialization of Penicillium sclerotigenum The degree of green rot severity was evaluated in two yam species, D. alata and D. cayennensis . The causal agentof this disease is the fungus Penicillium sclerotigenum, a highly virulent pathogen on D. cayennensis in the producingareas all over the world. In addition, by cross inoculation, an investigation was conducted on the occurrence of physiologicaladaptations of the fungus relative to its pathogenicity on these species of yams. To complement this study the mycelialgrowth of P. sclerotigenum was evaluated on three culture media, two based on extracts of the yam species examined andthe other one on potato ( Solanum tuberosum ). Dextrose and agar were added to all cultures. The results showed thatgreen rot was less severe on D. alata than on D. cayennensis . No physiological adaptation in relation to the pathogenicityof P. sclerotigenum to both yam species was found. Potato-dextrose-agar and