Advances in natural language generation : an interdisciplinary perspective

Part 1 Linguistic approaches (in defence of a particular theory, formalism): a phrase-structure grammar with discontinuous grammar, H.Bunt language generation as choice in social interaction, R.P.Fawcett. Part 2 Implementational issues: a lexically distributed word ordering component, D.Parisi and A.Giorgi the generation of subsequent referring expressions in structured discourse, R.Dale generating referring phrases in a dynamic environment, H.Novak the generation system of the SEMSYN project - towards a task-independent generator for German, D.Roesner natural language generation - one individual implementer's experience, T.L.Kwee. Part 3 Psychological issues: discourse planning and production - an outline of the process and some variables, V.Zammuner the effect of the macro-control of information on the temporal characteristics of text production, A.Piolat and F.Farioli. Part 4 Educational applications: building a sentence generator for teaching linguistics, D.Bakker, B.van der Korst and G.van Schaaik.