A roadmap for developing accelerator driven systems (ADS) in India was prepared in 2001. The first phase of the activities under the program began with the commencement of the tenth plan in 2002. This involves the development of a 10 MeV (upgradeable to 20 MeV), 30 mA proton linear accelerator, the setting up of a lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) loop for target and coolant studies and a reactor physics program of developing necessary codes, compiling nuclear data, conceptual design studies of the sub-critical reactor and experimental activities. Actual ADS reactor design and development activities will be taken up in a later phase. Presently, India has a reactor running on HEU fuel viz., APSARA. There is a plan for refurbishing and converting its core to LEU. An advanced high-flux research reactor based on LEU is also planned. Preliminary studies have been initiated to investigate the feasibility of coupling such a pool type reactor with an accelerator based neutron source and operated as an ADS. The paper gives a brief outline of the roadmap and a description of the status of various activities under the program described above.