Turns in the Road: Narrative Studies of Lives in Transition

Narrating Life's Turning Points: Redemption and Contamination - Dan P. McAdams and Phillip J. Bowman The Crime, Punishment, and Ethical Transformation of Two Radicals: Or, How Katherine Power Improves On Dostoyevsky - Janet Landman De Profundis: Prison as Turning Point in Oscar Wilde's Life Story - William Todd Schultz Ever Upward and No Turning Back: Social Mobility and Identity Formation Among First-Generation College Students - J. Scott Roberts and George C. Rosenwald Moving Up and the Problem of Explaining an "Unreasonable" Ambition - Richard L. Ochberg and William Comeau Serendipity and Agency in Narratives of Transition: Young Adult Women and Their Careers - Marcy Plunkett The Setback of a Doctor's Career - Varpu Loyttyniemi Women's Understanding of Their Own Divorces: A Developmental Perspective - Amy M. Young, Abigail J. Stewart, and Kathi Miner-Rubino Adolescents' Representations of the Parent Voice in Stories of Personal Turning Points - Michael M. Pratt, Mary Louise Arnold, and Kathleen Mackey In and Out of the Amber Cloud: A Life Story Analysis of a Heroin Addict - Jefferson A. Singer Sense of Place and Its Import for Life Transitions: The Case of HIV-Positive Individuals - Michael L. Crossley