초고층 주상복합 공용시설의 활용현황에 관한 연구

Mixed Use Apartments have been recognized as a new type of urban housing in Korea since government's promotional policy in the middle of 1900's. However, the research on the use of the community facility in the super high-rise mixed-use apartment has not been sufficiently performed to understand the present status of them. Therefore, this study aims to find out residential satisfaction and preference based on use of community facilities to suggest the design guide lines for each community facility in the super high-rise mixed-use apartments. Research methods are as follows; 1. Categorizing the type of the super high-rise mixed-use apartment by placing the community facility. 2. Analysing the variety and size of the community facilities through architectural drawings of nineteen cases 3. Surveying the average using hour a week, satisfaction and preference of the community facilities for each site by type. The results of this study are as follows; 1. Through the analysis of drawings, sports facility and quality lobby were found to be arranged in most cases, than any other facilities. 2. Sports facilities were found to have the highest frequency level of average using hours a week and the highest satisfaction level on the size and quality among the community facilities in the super high-rise mixed-use apartments. 3. The lobby was regarded as a very important design factor, and it may be able to integrate and vitalize the community. 4. With integrating the results on the analysis of residents' consciousness, the size and diversity of the community facility are needed to extend.