Systematic review of the effectiveness of health-related behavioral interventions using portable activity sensing devices (PASDs)

Background Portable activity sensing devices (PASDs) have received significant interest as tools for objectively measuring activity-related parameters and promoting health-related outcomes. Studies of PASDs suggest the potential value of integrating them with behavioral interventions to improve intermediate and downstream clinical outcomes. Objectives This systematic review describes and evaluates evidence from controlled studies of interventions using PASDs on their effectiveness in health-related outcomes. Study quality was also assessed. Methods A systematic literature search was performed of MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PsycINFO, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases. We included English-language papers of controlled trials through 2015 reporting the effectiveness of PASDs in improving health-related outcomes in any population. We extracted and analyzed data on study characteristics including design, target population, interventions, and findings. Results Seventeen trials met the inclusion criteria from a total of 9553 unique records. Study objectives varied greatly, but most sought to increase physical activity. Studies with a "passive" intervention arm using a PASD with minimal behavioral support generally did not demonstrate effectiveness in improving health-related outcomes. Interventions integrating PASDs with multiple behavioral change techniques were more likely to be effective, particularly for intermediate outcomes such as physical activity and weight loss. Trials had small sample sizes but were generally free of bias, except for blinding and selection bias. Conclusion There is insufficient evidence to draw a conclusion about the general health-related benefits of PASD interventions. PASD interventions may improve intermediate outcomes when coupled with multiple behavioral change techniques. Devices alone or with minimal behavioral change support are insufficient to change health-related outcomes.

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