An ITS Traffic Management System in Des Moines Area: Use In Emergency Response Purposes

With the planned 5-year reconstruction of I-235 through the Des Moines area, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) placed high priority on developing and maintaining an effective program to manage traffic conditions and handle highway incidents within the Region during reconstruction activities. The DOT received support for the development of a Traffic Management System of cameras, dynamic message boards, sensors, and other traveler information systems. Coordination/sharing of traveler information with local agencies and the public was a priority. During 2004/2005, the field hardware (80 sensor devices, 44 cameras, 26 DMS- permanent and portable) was installed and tested. In addition, a Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) system and TripGuide website was implemented. Simultaneously, the agencies in the Region developed and coordinated a solid incident management program aimed at developing common policies and procedures to be used during an incident. They included: activation/deactivation of dynamic message signs, use of cameras, and use of pre-set messages. The end result is an effective and efficient Team effort in responding and the handling of highway incidents, particularly under the traffic constraints expected to occur during the reconstruction of I-235 within the Region.