Distinctive Characteristics of Sino-Korean and Yangtze Plates
The paper emphasizes that different plates can be distinguished by synthesizing geological, geochemical and geophysical characteristics. The Sino-Korean and Yangtze plates are characterized by such features as the formation time of the crystallization basement, content of some elements and the content ratio of some elements in the crust and mantle, variation of lead isotopic ratios, the chondrite-normalized REE pattern in mantle inclusions , the nature of the Middle Proterozoic system: metamorphic or sedimentary, the existence of the Jinning event (about 850 Ma), P-bearing and black shale series of the Early Cambrian, depositional breaks about 400 Ma, the development of coal measures strata in the Late Paleozoic, moving distance of plates in the Paleozoic, thickness of the lithosphere, differences of average velocities of P waves and shear waves, the existence of low-resistivity layer in the inner crust.