Design of vehicle using Ackermann steering with IoT concept

Electric vehicles are becoming more demanding these days. In this project the possibility of using Ackerman steering with electric drive servomotor is explained. Scalability is the advantage of using this mechanism which can be adopted for four wheel vehicle system as well. The objective of this project is to do design a system using Ackerman steering which determines the maximum and minimum angle of the turning of the wheels. It also avoids the front tire slippage and activates pure rolling. Ackermannisteering geometry is a geometric arrangementiof linkages in the steering of a car or otherivehicle designed to solve the problemiof wheels on the inside and outside of a turn needing toitrace out circles of differentiradii. The geometricallsolution to this is for all wheels to have their axleslarranged as radii of circles with a commonlcentre point. As the rear wheelsiare fixed, this centrelpoint must be on a linelextended from the rear axle. Intersectinglthe axes of the front wheels on this line as welllrequires that the insidelfront wheel be turned, whenlsteering, through a greaterlangle than the outsidelwheel. The microcontroller used in this project is ATMEGA16 andlmax232 is used for the serial dataltransmission.