Verosphacela silvae sp. nov. (Onslowiaceae, Phaeophyceae) from the Mediterranean Sea

We describe Verosphacela silvae sp. nov., from the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of horizontal filaments living on the lower face of the red alga Peyssonnelia rubra (Greville) J. Agardh, from which erect filaments up to 1.5 mm high rise and grow upright after passing through the thallus of the supporting species. There are both horizontal and erect filaments growing by apical cells. In the subapical cells, 1–2 longitudinal divisions occur (more frequently in the erect filaments) but no secondary transverse divisions occur. Erect filaments bear lateral propagules on a stalk of one to three (rarely more) cells. Propagules, with neither apical cells nor arms, consist of seven cells. Zoidangia are borne at the apex of erect laterals. The new species differs from V. ebrachia Henry mainly in habit, propagules and zoidangia. In addition, distinct from V. ebrachia, filaments of V. silvae never penetrate between the cuticle and the cell wall of the supporting alga. Moreover, propagules of V. silvae consist of seven cells, whereas those of V. ebrachia consist of 9–13 cells, and zoidangia are terminal on laterals in V. silvae, whereas in V. ebrachia they are sessile on both axes and laterals.