Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Markerless Teknik Dasar Prenatal Yoga
The aim of this research is to develop anAugmented Reality Makerless Application Basic Technic ofPrenatal Yoga and introduce how to practice Prenatal Yoga inform of 3D thus it becomes more interesting and more real. Theobject of this application’s users is all level of society that arewilling to know about basic technic of Prenatal Yoga. Thedevelopment of this Augmented Reality Makerless ApplicationBasic Technic of Prenatal Yoga used Research and Developmentmethod and the model used was ADDIE model. ADDIE modelconsists of 5 steps, they are 1) Analyze, 2) Design, 3) Development,4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. The result of this study is inform of Augmented Reality Makerless Application Basic Technicof Prenatal Yoga that can be installed on android smartphone.This application could present animation in form of 3D followedby narration. The result of implementation from users after usingAugmented Reality Makerless Application Basic Technic ofPrenatal Yoga in score of 89% counted as Very Good. Thus thisapplication can be used as media to introduce Prenatal Yoga.