Complex lattice potentials in electron diffraction calculated for a number of crystals

Structure potentials, Vg, and absorption potentials for 100 keV-electrons are given in tabulated form for almost all monatomic crystals with elements Z = 3 to 90 and for a number of crystals of the rock-salt type. The absorption potentials are given in the form of the Fourier coefficients Ci0g of the Yoshioka imaginary potential for excitation of crystal electrons and excitation of phonons at the temperatures 20, 93 and 293 °K. All computations are based on numerical Hartree-Fock-Slater atomic radial functions by Herman & Skillman (Atomic Structure Calculations. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1963). The calculations show that the ratio Ci0g(el)/Vg, where Ci0g(el) refers to excitation of single-crystal electrons, lies between 0.005 and 0.012 for the lower reflexion vectors g and practically all Z. In contrast to this the ratio Ci0g(phonon)/Vg is much larger and increases about linearly with Z, for a given g.