Caller identification for the SCANMail voicemail browser

SCANMail is a prototype system developed at AT&T Labs for the purpose of providing useful tools for managing and searching through voicemail messages. Content is extracted from voicemail messages using various speech and text processing tools. One such content category is the identity of the message caller. This paper describes CallerID, the server tool attached to SCANMail for the purpose of providing caller labels for voicemail messages. CallerID makes use of text independent speaker recognition techniques. Two kinds of requests are handled by the CallerID server. A request triggered by the arrival of a new voicemail message results in the processing of the message to score it against the models of callers assigned to the user (recipient) in order to propose the identity of the caller. A second request is initiated by a user who provides a caller label for a message he/she has reviewed. CallerID processes the message and uses it to train or adapt a speaker model for the caller whose label is provided. The paper describes in detail the CallerID functions and provides some results of performance evaluations of the caller identification capability.