Interpretation of the Renogram in the follow-up of the Urological Patient
Since TAPLIN (I), the radiophysiologist and WINTER (2), the urologist, first began working together, the renogram has come to be established in addition to the pyelogram as an aid to the urologist in making the clinical diagnosis of obstruction of the urinary tract, particularly post-operatively. Hippuran labelled with radioactive iodine has been found to be the most effective substance used in renography since it is withdrawn from the blood only by the kidneys, and because 75% of the amount injected appears in the urine within half an hour of the intravenous injection. The amount of hippuran injected is abount 15 me. With no prior preparations, immediately after injection, the detectors begin to record the radiation and the curve is registered. In 1966, we published the results of our first experience using the renogram as a method of evaluating renal function in the urological follow-up (3). Since then this test has been routinely used in patients with obstruction of the urinary tract who have been hospitalised in tlre department of urology of our hospital, and has also come toDe iied daily in other departments as well. It is the purpose of this rep~>rt to review, evaluate and summarize the experience obtained with this method during the last two years (19661967). During this time, about 300 patients have undergone renographic examination while hospitalised in the department of urology. In 124 of them, evidence was found for obstruction of the urinary tract of various origins, in the renogram as well as in the pyelogram. These 124 patients, who were not hospitalised during this survey, were invited through the mails to appear for a follow-up examination. Table No. 1 summarizesthe response of these patients to this request. Table No. 2 shows the classification of the go patients in accordance with the renogram recorded.
[1] G. Taplin,et al. A clinical comparison and analysis of radioactive diodarast, hypaque, miokon and urokon renograms as tests of kidney function. , 1958, The Journal of urology.