A numerical investigation of the slope current along the Western European margin

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is used to investigate the poleward flow along the Western European slopes. The area of the model domain goes from Northwest Africa to Ireland. At a first stage currents are driven by climatological spring density fields. In a second stage the model is also forced by spring climatological wind favorable to the development of an equatorward coastal jet along the Iberian coast. Results show that the density forcing is able to produce the poleward current along the European Continental shelf. The winds can modify the flow pattern mainly in the southern areas off Iberia, during spring and summer. In the northernmost area of the model domain (Armorican and Celtic slopes), typical winds are in quadrature with the wind direction that produces a maximum barotropic response, thus the residual flow is weak. The poleward current obtained is continuous between the Portuguese and Irish coasts. It follows the isobaths and the core of maximum velocity is located between 300 m and 1500 m, depending both on space and time. This core corresponds to the shelfward divergence of isopycnals. Maximum speeds range from 10 to 20 cm s"\ A poleward intensification of the current is also obtained.