RSS-Based DoA Estimation with ESPAR Antennas Using Reduced Number of Radiation Patterns

In this letter, we investigate how direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation algorithms, which are designed for electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas and rely solely on received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at antenna’s output port, will perform when limited number of radiation patterns will be used. To this end we have inspected two algorithms, which are easily applicable in WSN nodes having simple and inexpensive transceivers and provide accurate results. Measurements conducted using a fabricated ESPAR antenna indicate that it is possible to limit the number of radiation patterns in DoA estimation procedure and still keep the original accuracy. Hence, depending on application, the time required for DoA estimation in WSN nodes using ESPAR antennas can be reduced from 50% up to 75%.

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