Topics in cognitive linguistics
1. Preface 2. I. Toward a coherent and comprehensive linguistic theory 3. An overview of cognitive grammar (by Langacker, Ronald W.) 4. A view of linguistic semantics (by Langacker, Ronald W.) 5. The nature of grammatical valence (by Langacker, Ronald W.) 6. A usage-based model (by Langacker, Ronald W.) 7. II. Aspects of a multifaceted research program 8. The relation of grammar to cognition (by Talmy, Leonard) 9. Where does prototypicality come from? (by Geeraerts, Dirk) 10. The natural category MEDIUM: An alternative to selection restrictions and similar constructs (by Hawkins, Bruce) 11. Spatial expressions and the plasticity of meaning (by Herskovits, Annette) 12. Contrasting prepositional categories: English and Italian (by Taylor, John R.) 13. The mapping of elements of cognitive space onto grammatical relations: An example from Russian verbal prefixation (by Janda, Laura A.) 14. Conventionalization of cora locationals (by Casad, Eugene H.) 15. The conceptualisation of vertical space in English: The case of tall (by Dirven, Rene) 16. Length, width, and potential passing (by Vandeloise, Claude) 17. On bounding in Lk (by Serzisko, Fritz) 18. A discourse perspective on tense and aspect in standard modern Greek and English (by Paprotte, Wolf) 19. Semantic extensions into the domain of verbal communication (by Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida) 20. Spatial metaphor in German causative constructions (by King, Robert Thomas) 21. Nahuatl causative/applicatives in cognitive grammar (by Tuggy, David) 22. III. A historical perspective 23. Grammatical categories and human conceptualization: Aristotle and the modistae (by Swiggers, Pierre) 24. Cognitive grammar and the history of lexical semantics (by Geeraerts, Dirk) 25. References 26. Subject index