Architecture Driven Generation of Distributed Embedded Software from Functional Models

Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex and more distributed. Cost and quality requirements necessitate reuse of the functional so ftware components for multiple deployment architect ures. An important step is the allocation of software compon ents to hardware. During this process the differenc es between the hardware and application software archi tectures must be reconciled. In this paper we discu s an architecture driven approach involving model-based t chniques to resolve these differences and integra hardware and software components. The system archit ecture serves as the underpinning based on which distributed real-time components can be generated. Generation of various embedded system architectures sing the same functional architecture is discussed. The approach leverages the following technologies – IME (Integrated Modeling Environment), the SAE AADL (Ar chitecture Analysis and Design Language), and Ocari na. The approach is illustrated using the electronic th ro tle control system as a case study.