장 경간 철도교량(L=40M)의 Precom Beam 적용사례 연구
The 4th Bridge of Do-Kok which will be made in the third section part of work, called Chung-Ang Railroad Line(Deok-So~Won-ju) is planed that the roadbed newly established is higher than the existing roadbed. So people in Pal-Dang Li demand downward settlement of the roadbed newly established because of a prospect of The Han-River. Because of the claim, there were two conferences to analyze the field condition, terms of works and economical efficiency regarding design modification(downward settlement of design elevation(70cm), the minimum span length(40m) and height from the bottom of the slab to ground(5m). Through such conferences, it is possible to apply The Precom Beam to The 4th Bridge of Do-Kok in our construction field after investigating structural safety.