Statistical Methods for Detection and Quantification of Environmental Contamination

Acknowledgments. Introduction. DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION IN THE LABORATORY. Conceptual Foundations. Statistical Foundations and Review. Calibration-Based Regression Models. Single-Concentration-Based Detection Limit Methods. Single-Concentration-Based Quantification Limit Methods. Calibration-Based Detection Limit Methods. Calibration-Based Quantification Limit Methods. Significant Digits. Experimental Design of Detection and Quantification Limit Studies and Related Studies. Between-Laboratory Detection and Quantification Limit Estimators. DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION IN THE FIELD. Comparison of a Single Measurement to a Regulatory Standard. Censored Data. Testing Distributional Assumptions. Testing for Outliers. Detecting Trend. Detection Monitoring. Assessment and Corrective Action Monitoring: Overview. Assessment and Corrective Action Monitoring: Comparison to a Standard. Assessment and Corrective Action Monitoring: Comparison to Background. Assessment and Corrective Action Monitoring: Case Studies. Review of Available Computer Software. Summary. Appendix: Land's Tables. Glossary of Measurement Terminology. Mathematical Symbols. Web References. Annotated Bibliography. Index.