Literature Review into Mobile Learning in the University Context

This document represents an extensive survey of the existent literature surrounding the fast-growing field of mobile learning or ‘m-learning’. In referencing over 400 recent publications, encompassing conference papers, reports, reviews, and research projects, it presents an indication of the ‘state of play’ in this emerging discipline. Undertaken during December 2005 and January 2006, the literature review’s primary purpose has been to provide the basis for an academic book on the area: a ‘what to’ guide considering contemporary changes to learner behaviours, institutional directions, technological developments, and realistic visions for exploiting seamlessly-embedded mobile learning.

[1]  Michael Derntl,et al.  Web services for blended learning patterns , 2004, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2004. Proceedings..

[2]  Paul Dourish,et al.  Seeking a Foundation for Context-Aware Computing , 2001, Hum. Comput. Interact..

[3]  Andy Stone,et al.  SMS and interactivity-some results from the field, and its implications on effective uses of mobile technologies in education , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[4]  Angel Smrikarov,et al.  m-learning: a new stage of e-learning , 2004, CompSysTech '04.

[5]  Howard Rheingold,et al.  Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution , 2002 .

[6]  Nikleia Eteokleous,et al.  We need an educationally relevant definition of mobile learning , 2005 .

[7]  Clarence A. Ellis,et al.  Groupware: some issues and experiences , 1991, CACM.

[8]  William H. Dutton,et al.  Digital academe : the new media and institutions of higher education and learning , 2005 .

[9]  Philip Barker,et al.  On Being an Online Tutor , 2002 .

[10]  Bernd J. Krämer,et al.  Mobile Learning: The Next Generation of Learning , 2005 .

[11]  Anil S Menon,et al.  Preparing doctors for bedside computing , 2003, The Lancet.

[12]  Mike Sharples,et al.  The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning , 2000, Comput. Educ..

[13]  Denis Newman,et al.  The Construction Zone: Working for Cognitive Change in School , 1989 .

[14]  M. Cole,et al.  Cognitive Development: Its Cultural and Social Foundations , 1976 .

[15]  Mike Sharples,et al.  A concept mapping tool for pocket PC computers , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[16]  Kinshuk,et al.  Mobile Technology in Educational Services , 2005 .

[17]  Ian McGill,et al.  Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education , 1998 .

[18]  K. Holmes,et al.  Analysis of asynchronous online discussion using the SOLO Taxonomy , 2005 .

[19]  Christoph Trompler,et al.  Mobile computing in education , 2003 .

[20]  Timothy Koschmann,et al.  Paradigm shifts and instructional technology : An introduction , 1996 .

[21]  Gerard Smyth Wireless Technologies Bridging the Digital Divide in Education , 2006, iJET.

[22]  Ole Smørdal,et al.  PDAs in medical education and practice , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[23]  Monica Divitini,et al.  Improving communication through mobile technologies: which possibilities? , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[24]  G. Devos The knowledge tree. , 1992, The Canadian journal of medical radiation technology.

[25]  Elizabeth Stacey,et al.  Designing for online communities of learning , 2005 .

[26]  Mikko Ahonen Accessibility challenges with mobile lifelong learning tools and related collaboration , 2003 .

[27]  J. Bruner Child's Talk: Learning to Use Language , 1985 .

[28]  Elena Barberà Quality in virtual education environments , 2004, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[29]  J. Dewey Democracy and education : an introduction to philosophy of education / John Dewey , 1916 .

[30]  Peter Lonsdale,et al.  Context Awareness for MOBIlearn: Creating an engaging learning experience in an art museum , 2004 .

[31]  Marco Ronchetti,et al.  A general architecture to support mobility in learning , 2004, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2004. Proceedings..

[32]  Carolyn Dowling,et al.  Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future , 2003, IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing.

[33]  Heitor Silvério Lopes,et al.  Mobile computing on telemedicine and distance learning: application on surgery pediatric oncology , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[34]  Patricia Thornton,et al.  Using mobile phones in education , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[35]  Diana G. Oblinger,et al.  Educating the Net Generation , 2005 .

[36]  R. Phillips,et al.  Pedagogical, institutional and human factors influencing the widespread adoption of educational technology in higher education , 2005 .

[37]  J. Piaget,et al.  The Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children , 1975 .

[38]  Ferran Ruiz i Tarragó E-Learning, ICT, and Learning Portals for Schools , 2003, ICT and the Teacher of the Future.

[39]  Miguel Nussbaum,et al.  Computer supported collaborative learning using wirelessly interconnected handheld computers , 2004, Comput. Educ..

[40]  Qin Li,et al.  An intelligent agent for adapting and delivering electronic course materials to mobile learners , 2005 .

[41]  S. Engel Thought and Language , 1964 .

[42]  Carol Savill-Smith,et al.  The use of palmtop computers for learning: a review of the literature , 2005, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[43]  Yuan-Kai Wang,et al.  Context awareness and adaptation in mobile learning , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[44]  Rachael M. Field Favourable Conditions for Effective and Efficient Learning in a Blended Face-to-Face/Online Method , 2005 .

[45]  William A. Horton,et al.  Designing Web-Based Training , 2000 .

[46]  John V. Dempsey Instructional Gaming: Implications for Instructional Technology. , 1994 .

[47]  Jason L. Frand The Information-Age Mindset: Changes in Students and Implications for Higher Education , 2000 .

[48]  Alex Pentland,et al.  MIT.EDU: system architecture for real-world distributed multi-user applications in classroom settings , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[49]  Mike Sharples,et al.  Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning , 2005 .

[50]  Michael Derntl,et al.  Modeling context-aware e-learning scenarios , 2005, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops.

[51]  N. Howe,et al.  Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation , 2000 .

[52]  B. Skinner Technology for Teaching , 2012 .

[53]  S. Geddes,et al.  Mobile learning in the 21st century: benefit for learners , 2004 .

[54]  Kinshuk,et al.  Getting Ready For Mobile Learning , 2004 .

[55]  Elisheva F. Gross,et al.  The impact of computer use on children's and adolescents' development , 2001, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

[56]  Fred L. Kitchens,et al.  Web Services Architecture for M-Learning. , 2004 .

[57]  M. Prensky Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants , 2001 .

[58]  Stephen E. Lapinsky,et al.  Review Paper: Handheld Computing in Medicine , 2003, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

[59]  Hiroaki Ogata,et al.  Knowledge awareness map for computer-supported ubiquitous language-learning , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[60]  L. S. Vygotski II. The Problem of the Cultural Development of the Child , 1929 .

[61]  Franz Lehner,et al.  The role of mobile devices in E-Learning first experiences with a wireless E-Learning environment , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[62]  A. W. Bates,et al.  Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success , 2003 .

[63]  J. Wertsch The Concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology , 1981 .

[64]  Amy Wohl,et al.  Apple computer, Inc. , 2003 .

[65]  Charlynn Miller,et al.  Facilitating the development of lifelong learners through e-communication tools , 2005 .


[67]  Liam J. Bannon,et al.  From Human Factors to Human Actors , 2007 .

[68]  Pramod Pathak,et al.  Mobile Technology in Education – A Multimedia Application , 2004 .

[69]  Robert M. Aiken,et al.  Teaching collaborative skills with a group leader computer tutor , 1996, Education and Information Technologies.

[70]  Deborah G. Tatar,et al.  Handheld tools that "informate" assessment of student learning in science: a requirements analysis , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[71]  Timothy Koschmann,et al.  Cscl : Theory and Practice of An Emerging Paradigm , 1996 .

[72]  Tak-Wai Chan,et al.  Concept and design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms , 2003, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..

[73]  Heinz Ulrich Hoppe,et al.  SMS-based discussions - technology enhanced collaboration for a literature course , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[74]  Elliot Soloway,et al.  Handheld use in K-12: a descriptive account , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[75]  S. Hennessy,et al.  Graphing investigations using portable (palmtop) technology , 2001, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..

[76]  Ian Larson,et al.  The adventures of Trev the tablet: replacing practical classes and lectures using an online game scenario , 2005 .

[77]  Hiroaki Ogata,et al.  Context-aware support for computer-supported ubiquitous learning , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[78]  Kinshuk,et al.  Mobile agents in adaptive learning systems , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[79]  Etienne Wenger,et al.  Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation , 1991 .

[80]  P. Ramsden Learning to Teach in Higher Education , 1991 .

[81]  Sandra Poindexter The Case for Holistic Learning. , 2003 .

[82]  David W. Johnson,et al.  Learning Together and Alone , 1999 .

[83]  Michael Theall,et al.  Motivation from within : approaches for encouraging faculty and students to excel , 1999 .

[84]  Gilly Salmon,et al.  E-moderating: the key to teaching and learning online , 2003 .

[85]  Italo De Diana,et al.  The Collaboratory Learning System: Conceptual Foundation and Architecture of A Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment , 1998, Teleteaching.

[86]  Don Morrison E-learning Strategies: How to Get Implementation and Delivery Right First Time , 2003 .

[87]  R. Gagne Conditions of Learning , 1965 .

[88]  Betty A. Collis,et al.  Applications of computer communications in education: an overview , 1999, IEEE Commun. Mag..

[89]  David W. Johnson,et al.  Cooperative learning : increasing college faculty instructional productivity , 1991 .

[90]  Elliot Soloway,et al.  Supporting learning in context: extending learner-centered design to the development of handheld educational software , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[91]  P. Beffa-Negrini,et al.  Strategies to motivate students in online learning environments. , 2002, Journal of nutrition education and behavior.

[92]  Marco Ronchetti,et al.  Hoarding content in m-learning context , 2005, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops.

[93]  Roy D. Pea,et al.  A walk on the WILD side: how wireless handhelds may change CSCL , 2002, CSCL.

[94]  K. Crawford,et al.  E'learning and activity: supporting communication, cooperation and coinvention , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[95]  Yrjö Engeström,et al.  Workplace Studies: From individual action to collective activity and back: developmental work research as an interventionist methodology , 2000 .

[96]  G. Salomon Distributed cognitions : psychological and educational considerations , 1997 .

[97]  R. Prentice,et al.  Creativity: a reaffirmation of its place in early childhood education , 2000 .

[98]  Stuart M. Speedie,et al.  PDA support for outpatient clinical clerkships: mobile computing for medical education , 2001, AMIA.

[99]  Barbara White,et al.  Epistemological beliefs and learners in a tablet classroom , 2005 .

[100]  Marcel Cremene,et al.  Multimedia m-learning using mobile phones , 2005 .

[101]  Jeremy Roschelle,et al.  Keynote paper: Unlocking the learning value of wireless mobile devices , 2003, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..

[102]  Jennifer Waycott An evaluation of the use of PDAs for reading course materials , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[103]  Judith E. Smith,et al.  Building a culture of learning design: Reconsidering the place of online learning in the tertiary curriculum , 2005 .

[104]  Terry Flew,et al.  New Media: An Introduction 2nd ed. , 2005 .

[105]  Laura M. Naismith,et al.  Evaluation of CAERUS: A Context Aware Mobile Guide , 2005 .

[106]  David W. Brooks,et al.  Using Personal Digital Assistants in Clinical Supervision of Student Teachers , 2000 .

[107]  Romana Martin,et al.  Building the momentum for m-learning via the ECU Advantage Project , 2005 .

[108]  Axel Bruns,et al.  E-learning Environments: Generation C - The Missing Link , 2005 .

[109]  Marc J. Rosenberg,et al.  E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age , 2000 .

[110]  Heinz Ulrich Hoppe,et al.  Exploring the use of mobile devices to facilitate educational interoperability around digitally enhanced experiments , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[111]  Mike Sharples,et al.  Producing guidelines for learning, teaching and tutoring in a mobile environment , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[112]  Jie-Chi Yang,et al.  Wireless and mobile technologies to enhance teaching and learning , 2003, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..

[113]  Tzu-Chien Liu,et al.  Applying wireless and mobile technology to promote productive interaction , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[114]  Stephen J. H. Yang,et al.  Applying multi-sensory learning model with mobile handheld devices to pervasive learning , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[115]  Peter Lonsdale,et al.  Educational metadata for mobile learning , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[116]  Annemarie S. Palincsar,et al.  Social constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning. , 1998, Annual review of psychology.

[117]  Ann L. Brown,et al.  How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. , 1999 .

[118]  Read Gilgen Holding the World in Your Hand: Creating a Mobile Language Learning Environment. , 2005 .

[119]  E. Wagner Enabling Mobile Learning. , 2005 .

[120]  Peter C. Honebein,et al.  Constructivism and the Design of Learning Environments: Context and Authentic Activities for Learning , 1993 .

[121]  Seymour Papert,et al.  Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas , 1981 .

[122]  Tim O'Shea,et al.  The Use and Effectiveness of Palmtop Computers in Education , 1997, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[123]  Anna Craft,et al.  Creative development in the early years: some implications of policy for practice , 1999 .

[124]  Chang Liu,et al.  Technology acceptance model for wireless Internet , 2003, Internet Res..

[125]  Tzu-Chien Liu,et al.  A contest event in the connected classroom using wireless handheld devices , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[126]  Mike Sharples,et al.  KLeOS: a personal, mobile, knowledge and learning organisation system , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[127]  Iwao Kobayashi,et al.  Mobile videophone and e-learning for students with physical impairment , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[128]  David H. Jonassen,et al.  Toward a design theory of problem solving , 2000 .

[129]  B. Rogoff The Cultural Nature of Human Development , 2003 .

[130]  C. Griffin,et al.  The Theory and Practice of Learning , 1998 .

[131]  Diana Laurillard,et al.  Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology , 1993 .

[132]  Carsten Sørensen,et al.  Research issues in mobile informatics: classical concerns, pragmatic issues and emerging discourses , 2003 .

[133]  J. Piaget,et al.  The Child's Conception of the World , 1971 .

[134]  D. Noble Digital diploma mills: The automation of higher education , 1998 .

[135]  D. Hull,et al.  Opening Minds: Opening Doors-The Rebirth of American Education , 1993 .

[136]  Raymond Morel,et al.  From Teacher Education to Professional Development for E-learning in an E-society , 2003, ICT and the Teacher of the Future.

[137]  Jang-Ping Sheu,et al.  Design and implementation of ad hoc classroom and eSchoolbag systems for ubiquitous learning , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[138]  Raymond J. Wlodkowski Motivation and Diversity: A Framework for Teaching , 1999 .

[139]  Kaye Thorne,et al.  Blended Learning: How to Integrate Online and Traditional Learning , 2003 .

[140]  Paul Dourish,et al.  Awareness and coordination in shared workspaces , 1992, CSCW '92.

[141]  Margaret M. Lloyd,et al.  Digital pedagogy: Finding the balance in an online learningand teaching environment , 2005 .

[142]  Michael Stefanone,et al.  The Effects of Wireless Computing in Collaborative Learning Environments , 2001, Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact..

[143]  Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik Interactive multimedia learning: shared reusable visualization based modules , 2001 .

[144]  J. Bruner Actual minds, possible worlds , 1985 .

[145]  C. Crook Computers and the Collaborative Experience of Learning , 1996 .

[146]  D. H. Mellor,et al.  Real time , 1981 .


[148]  Gurminder Singh,et al.  Collaborative note taking , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[149]  Vanessa Colella,et al.  Participatory Simulations: Building Collaborative Understanding Through Immersive Dynamic Modeling , 2000 .

[150]  Thorsten Hampel,et al.  Re-conceptualizing learning environments: a framework for pervasive elearning , 2005, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops.

[151]  Agnes Kukulska-Hulme,et al.  Evaluating Mobile Learning: Reflections on Current Practice , 2005 .

[152]  Ae McFarlane,et al.  Challenges and opportunities: making mobile learning a reality in schools , 2005 .

[153]  Megan K. Fox,et al.  A Library in Your Palm. , 2003 .

[154]  J. Biggs,et al.  Teaching For Quality Learning At University , 1999 .

[155]  Yuliang Liu,et al.  A preliminary study of the impact of online instruction on teachers' technology concerns , 2004, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[156]  Chih-Yung Chang,et al.  A self-regulated learning system with scaffolding support for self-regulated e/m-learning , 2005, ITRE 2005. 3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education, 2005..

[157]  Susan Bull,et al.  Evaluation of a Mobile Learning Organiser and Concept Mapping Tools , 2003 .

[158]  Michael A. Goldberg,et al.  The evolution of e-learning , 2005 .

[159]  Karen M. Scott,et al.  The balancing act: Managing emerging issues of elearning projects at the University of Sydney , 2005 .

[160]  Leona Schauble,et al.  Innovations in learning : new environments for education , 1996 .

[161]  Peter Lonsdale,et al.  A context awareness architecture for facilitating mobile learning , 2003 .

[162]  R. Phelps,et al.  Staff development for online delivery: a collaborative, team based action learning model , 2000 .

[163]  Tim O'Shea,et al.  Pocketbook computing: a paradigm shift? , 1999 .

[164]  Ron Oliver,et al.  Moving beyond instructional comfort zones with online courses , 2004 .

[165]  Julia Shaw-Kokot,et al.  Extending the Hand of Knowledge , 2003, Medical reference services quarterly.

[166]  J. Piaget,et al.  The Psychology of the Child , 1969 .

[167]  David H. Jonassen,et al.  Designing Environments for Constructive Learning , 2012, NATO ASI Series.

[168]  P. Dillenbourg What do you mean by collaborative learning , 1999 .

[169]  John Stephenson,et al.  Teaching & learning online : new pedagogies for new technologies , 2001 .

[170]  Andrea L. Foster Tablets Sneak up on Laptops. , 2003 .

[171]  Bob Jeffrey,et al.  Creativity in Education , 2001 .

[172]  Camila Cortez,et al.  Teaching science with mobile computer supported collaborative learning (MCSCL) , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[173]  Youssef Amghar,et al.  European E-tutors - inductive models for on-line lecturing in synchronous collaborative environments , 2005 .

[174]  Gareth Schott,et al.  Designing for learning or designing for fun? Setting usability guidelines for mobile educational games , 2003 .

[175]  Hans-Jürgen Appelrath,et al.  Location-Aware Mobile Multimedia Applications on the Niccimon platform , 2004 .

[176]  Tisha Bender,et al.  Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning: Theory, Practice and Assessment , 2003 .

[177]  D. Jonas-Dwyer,et al.  The Millennial effect: Implications for academic development , 2004 .

[178]  R. Newton Staff attitudes to the development and delivery of e‐learning , 2003 .

[179]  E. Wenger,et al.  Legitimate Peripheral Participation , 1991 .

[180]  Jang-Ping Sheu,et al.  A mobile scaffolding-aid-based bird-watching learning system , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

[181]  Gilly Salmon,et al.  E-tivities: the key to active online learning, 2nd ed. , 2002 .

[182]  Maylene Y. Damoense,et al.  Online learning: implications for effective learning for higher education in South Africa , 2003 .

[183]  A. N. Leont’ev The Problem of Activity in Psychology , 1974 .

[184]  Keith J. Topping,et al.  Peer Assisted Learning , 2001 .

[185]  Valerie Crawford Learning With Handhelds: Findings From Classroom Research , 2003 .

[186]  Anju Relan,et al.  Supporting handheld technologies in a medical school curriculum: lessons from three years of design, development and implementation , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[187]  Elliot Soloway,et al.  More than just fun and games: assessing the value of educational video games in the classroom , 2004, CHI EA '04.

[188]  Etienne Wenger,et al.  Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity , 1998 .

[189]  Nira Hativa,et al.  Teaching for Effective Learning in Higher Education , 2001 .

[190]  Nectaria Tryfona,et al.  Constructive m-learning environments , 2005, Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05).

[191]  A. Livingston Smartphones and Other Mobile Devices: The Swiss Army Knives of the 21st Century , 2004 .

[192]  Richard Cox,et al.  Vicarious learning from educational dialogue , 1999, CSCL.

[193]  Siobhan Thomas,et al.  Pervasive, persuasive elearning: modeling the pervasive learning space , 2005, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops.

[194]  William Shepard Supporting and Integrating PDA Technology on Campus. , 2002 .

[195]  L. Vygotsky Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes: Harvard University Press , 1978 .

[196]  Ulf Hedestig,et al.  Participatory design in the development of mobile learning environments , 2004 .

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[198]  Christine Dugdale Digital Developments in Higher Education: Theory and Practice , 2002, J. Documentation.

[199]  Tak-Wai Chan,et al.  PuzzleView: enhanced workspace displaying for group interaction with tablet PCs , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[200]  Sara Hennessy,et al.  The potential of portable technologies for supporting graphing investigations , 1999, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[201]  Desmond Keegan,et al.  The Future of Learning: From eLearning to mLearning. , 2002 .

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[205]  Andreas Holzinger,et al.  Mobile phones as a challenge for m-learning: examples for mobile interactive learning objects (MILOs) , 2005, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops.

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[207]  Lyn Pemberton,et al.  Design issues for dual device learning: interactive television and mobile phone , 2005 .

[208]  Erkki Sutinen,et al.  Mobile digital portfolio extension , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[209]  Susan Bull,et al.  A mobile learning organiser for university students , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[210]  Jill Attewell,et al.  Mobile communications technologies for young adult learning and skills development (m-learning) , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

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[230]  Roy D. Pea,et al.  Functioning in the wireless classroom , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

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[233]  Sofoklis Sotiriou,et al.  The Motfal Project - Mobile Technologies For Ad-Hoc Learning , 2004, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2004. Proceedings..

[234]  Ole Smørdal,et al.  Personal Digital Assistants in medical education and practice , 2003, J. Comput. Assist. Learn..

[235]  Joseph Krajcik,et al.  Log on education: Handheld devices are ready-at-hand , 2001, CACM.

[236]  Nancy Law Innovative Classroom Practices and the Teacher of the Future , 2003, ICT and the Teacher of the Future.

[237]  Steven Poole,et al.  Trigger Happy: Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution , 2004 .

[238]  Robert Pastel,et al.  Transportable Research Instrument: a PDA-based laboratory for science experiments , 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

[239]  Kristóf Nyíri,et al.  Towards a philosophy of m-learning , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

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[241]  Kurt Squire,et al.  Environmental Detectives: PDAs as a window into a virtual simulated world , 2002, Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education.

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