Luminescence relaxation dynamics for planar and rolled-up CdSe nanocrystals in a photonic-crystal matrix

Samples of inverted photonic-crystal films, containing planar and rolled-up (in the form of scrolls) CdSe nanocrystals, are studied. The transmission spectra of these structures are recorded. These spectra (along with the change in colour) confirm the incorporation of nanocrystals into the films. The photoluminescence decay dynamics is investigated. It is shown that the photonic-crystal matrix affects significantly the luminescence kinetics of nanostructures. The differences in the decay curves measured for nanocrystals in a photonic-crystal matrix and for their ensemble on a glass substrate are explained by the influence of the photonic-crystal stop band and the orientational effect of crystalline matrix, which orients anisotropic nanocrystals and prevents them from aggregation. The results obtained may be important for potential applications in optoelectronic devices.