Vortex Axis Calculation by Using Vortex Features

For the development of highly maneuverable and high angle of attack aircraft ight, an essential point is to know the structure and behaviour of the vortical ow over delta wings. Vortex breakdown is one of the limiting factors of extreme maneuvers in ight and is a signi cant component of ight control. The demand of simulating the vortical ow behaviour has pushed the limits of current CFD Codes, but also the demand of advanced post processing tools. From an analysis point of view, the important requirement is the capability to identify vortical ow patterns like vortex axis lines, vortex hull surfaces, and vortex vortex interactions. This information is signi cant for a deeper physical understanding of various vortical ow phenomena and for ight control of aircrafts. Therefore, one goal of this paper is to compare typical vortex identi cation methods applied to the vortical ow over a generic 65◦ swept delta wing. The overall goal of this paper is to use these methods as elements of a construction kit to de ne a fast algorithm to detect and calculate vortex axes.