Effects of air pollution on allergic properties of Wheat pollens ( Triticum aestivum )

To study the effect of air pollution on allergic properties of wheat pollens (Triticum aestivum), aquatic extracts of pollens were collected from clean and polluted environment, were used for performing an experiment on guinea-pigs aged 3 months. This was done by eyes and nose tests and intradermal injection. After 15 to 20 minutes, animal reaction towards extract of 2 testable groups was appeared by sneeze, cough and itch of eyes. In that point of intradermal injection, after mentioned time as well as signs of itch, red Flare was appeared. In all cases, reaction of polluted extract is more than of clean or unpolluted extract. Blood factors such as blood sugar, eosinophil and IgE have increased in the allergic mode.