Electrical resistivities and permeabilities of composite membranes based on a cation exchange membrane for a redox flow battery

Abstract Two types of ion exchange membrane — CP-4 and CDA(M) — were obtained based on the commercially available cation exchange membrane CMV®. The CP-4 membrane was prepared by photoinduced polymerization of 4-vinyl-pyridine and divinylbenzene on both sides of CMV®. The CDA(M) was prepared by direct amination of CMV®. With the composite membrane CP-4, the electrical resistivity increased 10-20%, but the fluxes of the cation redox species decreased 50-74% for Fe and 50-80% for Cr. In contrast, the electrical resistivity of CDA and CDAM membranes increased 10-70%, but transference of the cation redox species decreased to 50% for Fe and to 10% for Cr.