Performance of mango cultivars under arid-irrigated region of Punjab

Five mango cultivars Dashehari, Langra, Mallika, Amrapali and Alphanso were evaluated under arid-irrigated region of Punjab. Langra has been observed to be vigorous in vegetative growth. Dashehari, Mallika, Amrapali and Alphanso closely followed each other. Dashehari fruits were maximum in TSS, reducing sugars, TSS/acid ratio, sugar/acid ratio and minimum acidity with an average fruit yield of 50 kg/tree. Dashehari and Langra matured during 2nd week of July. Mallika and Amrapali are mid season (3rd week of July) and Alphansolate season (4th week of July-1st week of August) cultivars. On the basis of yield and quality, cultivation of Dashehari, Langra, Amrapali, Alphanso and Mallika in descending order is recommended for higher returns in the arid-irrigated region of Punjab.