Intercellular propagated misfolding of wild-type Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase occurs via exosome-dependent and -independent mechanisms

Significance Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable motor neuron disease, is associated with mutation and misfolding of the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) protein. Prior studies found that mutant misfolded SOD1 can convert wild-type (WT) SOD1 to a misfolded form inside living cells in a prion-like fashion. We now report that misfolded WT SOD1 can be transmitted from cell to cell, and that propagated protein misfolding can be perpetuated. Misfolded SOD1 transmission between cells can be mediated through release and uptake of protein aggregates or via small membrane-bounded transport vesicles called exosomes. These mechanisms may help explain why sporadic ALS, without a known genetic cause, can spread systematically from region to region in a progressive manner. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is predominantly sporadic, but associated with heritable genetic mutations in 5–10% of cases, including those in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1). We previously showed that misfolding of SOD1 can be transmitted to endogenous human wild-type SOD1 (HuWtSOD1) in an intracellular compartment. Using NSC-34 motor neuron-like cells, we now demonstrate that misfolded mutant and HuWtSOD1 can traverse between cells via two nonexclusive mechanisms: protein aggregates released from dying cells and taken up by macropinocytosis, and exosomes secreted from living cells. Furthermore, once HuWtSOD1 propagation has been established, misfolding of HuWtSOD1 can be efficiently and repeatedly propagated between HEK293 cell cultures via conditioned media over multiple passages, and to cultured mouse primary spinal cord cells transgenically expressing HuWtSOD1, but not to cells derived from nontransgenic littermates. Conditioned media transmission of HuWtSOD1 misfolding in HEK293 cells is blocked by HuWtSOD1 siRNA knockdown, consistent with human SOD1 being a substrate for conversion, and attenuated by ultracentrifugation or incubation with SOD1 misfolding-specific antibodies, indicating a relatively massive transmission particle which possesses antibody-accessible SOD1. Finally, misfolded and protease-sensitive HuWtSOD1 comprises up to 4% of total SOD1 in spinal cords of patients with sporadic ALS (SALS). Propagation of HuWtSOD1 misfolding, and its subsequent cell-to-cell transmission, is thus a candidate process for the molecular pathogenesis of SALS, which may provide novel treatment and biomarker targets for this devastating disease.

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