An Adaptive Hypermedia System for Improving an Organization’s Customer Support

the development of our online system. W were able to combine adaptive hypermedia in the form of dynamic web pages, usability aspects of computer interface design, and the connectivity of the World Wide Web (the Web) to develop a paradigm that delivers the high level of organizational support that many customers desire and expect. The system implementation resulted in improved customer support and automatic record keeping of valuable knowledge for improved management of the organization. We designed and developed an adaptive hypermedia customer support system that accepts, checks, submits, and confirms maintenance requests for the tenants of a large governmental building. The system accomplishes this, and ensures continued customer use, by recognizing and adapting the information presented to a particular customer, including name recognition, contact information, automatic e-mail dialogue, presentation of historical data, and error checking of customer submissions. The result is a more satisfied customer base, better knowledge management by the organization, and most importantly, an improved state of maintenance for the building. The system structure is flexible enough to be easily adapted for other organizations and situations.

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