The Role of Biotechnology to Produce New Fermentation Products Based on Flipped Learning

Biotechnology is classified into two, modern and conventional. One of the conventional biotechnology processes is fermentation. Through this research, it is expected that the use of conventional biotechnology through flipped learning can produce new fermented products. The research subjects were 80 pre-service elementary school teachers of 4th semester at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret in the 2018/2019 academic year. The instrument used was a performance assessment consisting of 12 items. After using flipped learning in applied science learning, 16 new products, in the form of food and beverages, were produced from the fermentation process based on 3 indicators of product novelty. Based on the results of the performance assessment on 80 students divided into 16 groups, 6.25% of the groups could produce completely new products, 18.75% produced products that could replace the old ones, and 75% managed to modify the existing products. It can be concluded that flipped learning in applied science by utilizing conventional biotechnology can produce new products in the form of food and beverages.