Abstract : Recently, the FAA started a flight measurement project to examine the issue of minimum required VFR airspace. Test data were collected objectively in a manner similar to what is done to define the minimum airspace for a precision approach. Heliport approach and departure flight profiles were recorded using a variety of subject pilots flying several different helicopters. Data were analyzed statistically to determine the mean, standard deviation, and 6 sigma isoprobability curves. Results of this effort are documented in FAA/CT-TN87/40, Heliport Visual Approach and Departure Airspace Tests. An analysis of the statistical distribution of these data is contained in FAA/CT-TN88/44, Analysis of Distributions of VFR Heliport Data. These test reports are not likely to be the last word on this topic but they should serve to focus the discussion on specific issues in a way that is constructive. This report is intended to focus discussion on how the data should be interpreted, some of the historical issues involved, and the direction to be taken in future work.